We understand some users have experienced issues with the Puredrive APP following our recent update addressing the addition of scheduled charging, and so we have created this purpose-made, Help Guide to address any queries you may have.

Customer’s expecting scheduled charges implemented using the Puredrive APP will not be reflected on the Solis inverter because Puredrive has it’s own internal processes determining when, and when not to, charge.

Scheduled Charge Blocks Enabled

When any of the scheduled charge blocks are enabled, Puredrive will take control and set it back to zero until the charging period starts.

Scheduled Charge Blocks Disabled
When scheduled charge blocks are disabled, if you are integrated with our automated tariff, it will fall back to the tariff algorithm, so that Puredrive takes over scheduled charging in coordination with your chosen time-of-use tariff.

If you are unsure whether you are on our automated tariff or not, please contact Puredrive Energy for assistance.

Alternative Scheduled Charging

If you are not on our automated tariff you can disable all scheduled charging blocks in the Puredrive APP, and set your preferred scheduled charges on the Solis Inverter App.

Further Assistance

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to customerservices@puredrive-energy.co.uk and further Smart APP information can be found in our new and updated Smart APP Guide available for download here and on the home page.